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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weather Report

Weather reports in: It's foggy skies throughout northern China and airports are shutting down. So is the winter weather causing the poor visibility or is it a mixture of acid pollutions floating around? Well the report says the weather, but did you know the PM2.5 measure in the air, which is obviously higher in China, is what causes low visibility. With no emission standards Asia's toxic pollutants are so wide they are navigating the globe. -says Discover Magazine. "Causing a long list of health problems, including neurodegenerative disease, cancer, emphysema, and perhaps even pandemics like avian flu," explains the masks worn all over Asia. They've become the new fad. Gotta have the Hello Kitty face mask, everyone's doing it! So my tip of the day read about it. Go Green. Or in the future your going to play my favorite Shanghai game, the sun stare, unusual because of it's constant possibility.

Chinese Morals Deteriorating

2 year old toddler hit by 2 cars in China. Friday morning October 2011 a small baby was left to wander in the streets of Guangzhou in southern mainland China. China is embarrassed of the negative publicity they are receiving from the rest of the world. Perhaps they should be a little bit more concerned about the lack of ethics the people possess, and the reason the world is concerned. To my best understanding from what my former expats friends have said, since Mao's communist government control the people didn't act because:
1. they fear harsh punishment, from involvement in crimes
2. have lost a sense of moral conscience with the ban of religious activity, and uncensored laws
3. and their well known idea of saving face amongst everything else, easily blaming others
Lets remember other's mistakes and try to learn from them. When you see someone in need don't ever be afraid of helping no matter how small. Please read this horrible article, and be a little more aware of people around the world.