rice fields

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

My center went on their spring outing this week! We were able to go up north to some mountains and a really cool lake that I never saw. Even though it can be pretty awkward between my coworkers and I, the trip was successful and enjoyable even though Annie couldn't come:( Monday night we went to the hot springs, the lady wouldn't let me take pictures but I wish I would have hid my camera in my towel. It was like a day spa resort, the ultimate relaxation availability. There were hot springs every where, some were even scented with flowers, lemon, and wine. I laid on a hot stone bed, who knew stone was comfortable? The bizarre part was the fish pond. I sat in a hot spring full of millions of little fish who eat your dead skin. It took a long time to relax enough to hold still because it tickled so bad, but apparently it's really good for your skin. Oh yeah women's swim wear is usually really modest but the mens swimming suits are repulsive! A little longer than a speedo. That was not the most shocking part of the night but I will resist telling for the nasty pictures I could paint in your head.
Tuesday we hiked to the top of the mountain through the bamboo forest, apparently really famous in Chinese movies such as hero, never seen it, heard it's good? First and greatest part of the day however was the bamboo raft ride. Our boat driver lost his footing and fell off the raft!! Sean my coworker and I were the first to the top of the mountain. It was stairs strait up for 1,200 meters, and deathly hot outside! But super beautiful. At the top were keyless locks lining the fences, lovers inscribe their names on them and it is symbolic of a never broken love. It sounded more romantic the way Sean described it. I just wanted to use the log to gong the bell. On the bus ride there they gave me a cucumber:) they eat them like apples it makes me laugh. I also craved my name into a couple bamboo stalks...